So we can classify humanity in different groups such as: – Enormously rich, very rich, rich, well to do, upper Middle class, Middle class, Poor, Very poor and extremely poor.
It is not that people do not put in sufficient efforts to acquire wealth. Where wealth is concerned no occupation is taboo to the human being. He can adopt honest straightforward means for making money or adopt nefarious ways of crime. The Karmic effects of the past of an individual for acquiring wealth are reflected in the Indian horoscope by Dhana yogas or absence of them.
Bhava houses 2, 6, 10 are primary and 7 and 11 are secondary for Dhana yoga considerations. 2nd House in a horoscope signifies self-generated wealth, 6th through loans, and 10th through employment. If the 2nd is strong money comes by inheritance and investment.
If 6th house is stronger than 2nd and 10th money comes as interest in lending. If the 12th house becomes very strong the native borrows but never repays fully thereby always in debt. If 10th house is stronger than 2nd and 6th the native can make money at all times through various means.
The Dhana karakas of wealth are Sun and Jupiter. So to begin with the simple rule is that both Jupiter and Sun should be well placed in the horoscope to be wealthy.
- If the lord of the ascendant is in 10th House the native will be richer than his parents.
- The same will apply if 10th lord is in the ascendant
- If Jupiter is placed in 9 or 11th and Sun in the 5th the native becomes rich
- Mutual exchange of Houses of 2nd and the 9th lord (except Saturn) makes a person rich.
- Sun in 6th or 11th the person becomes rich. Particularly so when Sun is in Rahu star and Rahu in Sun’s Star.
- 2nd lord in 8th a person becomes rich by self-efforts.
- If Moon and Jupiter or Moon and Venus be in 5th the person becomes rich
- If Mercury happens to be in Aries or Cancer the person becomes rich.
- If 7th house has Mars or Saturn and the 11th house has any planet other than Ketu the person will earn huge wealth by doing business. If Ketu is in the 11th he will earn through a foreign agency
- If the 7th house has either Mars or Saturn and the 11100th house has Saturn or Mars or Rahu the person earns wealth by sports, Gambling, Commissions, rent lawyer’s fees, etc
- Mars in 4th Sun in 5th Or Jupiter in 11th or 5th, earning will be through ancestral properties, crops, or building, which will increase.
- Saturn in 4th identical with Libra, Capricorn or Aquarius the native will earn through Numbers ( accountants, statisticians, mathematician, etc)
- If Mars, Jupiter, and Moon join Cancer for a cancer native he becomes very rich through employment resource and divine grace.
- If Rahu, Saturn, or Mars or Sun in the 11th the native becomes rich gradually.
- If quadrant or trinal houses are occupied by Jupiter, Venus, Moon, Mercury or houses 3, 6, 11 by Sun, Rahu, Mars, Saturn the native will become exceedingly rich during dasas of Rahu/Mercury/Saturn /Venus.
- If all Kendras are occupied by planets OR All trines are occupied by benefics OR All “oopachayas” (3,6, 11) occupied by Malefic The native becomes exceedingly rich
- Benefic planets or 10th lord in Taurus or Libra and Venus or lord of 7th in 10th the native will become rich by marriage or through wife’s earnings.
- Jupiter in Cancer, Sagittarius, or Pisces, and 5th lord in 10th the person becomes rich through son/daughter.
- Mercury + Jupiter + Venus in any house, earning by religious means (purohit, Pundit, Astrologer, Preacher, Head of religious institutions, etc).
- Mercury +Venus + Saturn in any House, the person will earn by business leadership
- Jupiter in 10/11 and Sun/Mercury in 4/5 or vice versa, native becomes rich by Good administrative manipulations
- Lords of 6,8,12 join 6, 8, or 12 or 11th the native becomes suddenly rich.
Best Raja yoga’s or most powerful Raja Yoga’s:
- 9th lord in 10th, 10th lord in 11th and 11th lord in 9th.
- Parivartan between 9th and 10th lord &10th and 11th lord &11th and 9th lord.
- Yoga between laganesh(1st house lord) and panchmesh (5th house lord))
- Yoga`s between 5th lord and 9th lord.
- Yoga`s between 1st and 9th lord.
- Parivartan yoga between 1st and 9th, 1st and 10th,5th and 9th, 9th and 10th, 9th and 11th, 10th and 11th vice versa.
- Here most important raja yoga`s comes from the 11th house if 11th house lord in 11 then excellent and other best position is the 5th and 9th house.